
Transport and mobility

At ITENE we are working on solutions that facilitate sustainable transport and mobility in the Smart City framework.

We work in several areas:

  • Emission reductions and electric mobility. We conduct research into mobility solutions based on low-emission vehicles for last-mile deliveries and passengers.
  • Development of public charging infrastructure networks.
  • Automated and connected mobility. We are working on introducing autonomous vehicles for urban transport and distribution operations, as well as on developing solutions for advanced traffic management, safety, and the traceability of goods.
  • Urban mobility and intermodality. We design sustainable urban mobility plans and efficient passenger and freight modal shift systems. We also develop diagnostic analyses and the definition of measures to make mobility accessible to all population groups.
transporte y movilidad
coche eléctrico
vehículo inteligente

Agri-food transport and logistics

At ITENE we provide various services in this field such as:

  • Design of transport operations.
  • Design of optimised warehouse management models.
  • Definition of new optimised distribution models/systems.
  • Definition and development of tracking devices.
transporte por carretera

Solutions for mobility and transport companies

Find out more about the main solutions we provide:

Services for the transport and mobility sector

  • R&D and innovation services. We are your technology partner for all of your innovation projects.
  • Testing and certification services in our own laboratories.
  • Technological consultancy service in sustainability, packaging optimisation, monitoring of routes, fleets and the risks associated with goods transport. In addition, we also analyse and assess logistics performance, as well as defining measures to improve efficiency and sustainability and the stability of palletised loads.
  • In-company training services and our own courses and master’s degree.
  • How can I help you?

    Adrià Soriano - ITENE
    Adrià Soriano

    Mobility, Logistics and Digital Transformation Manager

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