Regulations and standards for Proving Your Product’s Compostability

Jordi Palau, Responsable del Laboratorio de Compostabilidad

Waste management and the use of sustainable materials have become essential for the industry due to new regulations promoting the circular economy. The compostability of packaging and other products not only reduces environmental impact but also promotes sustainability. Within the framework of the 2030 packaging initiatives, compostability is key to meeting European sustainability goals, which require all packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by that year.

Importance of Certification for Compostability

To ensure that products labeled as compostable meet environmental standards, it is crucial to obtain certifications that validate their compostability. These certifications not only guarantee safe and efficient decomposition but also build consumer trust and ensure compliance with international regulations.

Key Standards and Compostability Requirements

1. UNE-EN 13432 Standard

The UNE-EN 13432 standard is the European benchmark for demonstrating a product’s compostability. According to this standard, a product must meet several criteria, including:

  • Biodegradability: Decomposition by microorganisms under aerobic conditions.
  • Disintegration: Physical breakdown of the product into small fragments.
  • Quality of Compost: Must not contain heavy metals or hazardous substances.


Evaluación de la desintegración de un envase realizada en los laboratorios de ITENE, los únicos acreditados en España por ENAC para realizar las 4 fases de los ensayos de compostabilidad

To be considered compostable, a material must degrade at least 90% in six months under aerobic conditions, and more than 90% must break down into fragments smaller than 2 mm within three months when in contact with organic waste.

Additionally, the material must not negatively impact the composting process and must meet strict limits on heavy metals and other compounds.

2. ASTM D6400 Specifications

The ASTM D6400 standard, established by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), applies to plastics designed for aerobic composting in municipal or industrial facilities. It is equivalent to the UNE-EN 13432 standard and ensures that plastic products are compostable under controlled conditions.

Compostability Certification Bodies

To prove the compostability of a material, several certification bodies recognize ITENE as a qualified laboratory. These bodies include:

  • BPI Biodegradable Products Institute
  • European Bioplastics
  • Australasian Bioplastics Association
  • Din Certco
  • TUV Austria
  • Compostable Materials

Packaging compostable

The Compostability Lab by ITENE is certified to conduct biodegradation and compostability tests, both industrial and domestic, under American, European, and Australian standards. Some of its certifications include:

  • TUV Austria Products
  • TUV Austria Industrial Compost
  • TUV Austria Home Compost
  • DINCERCO PL243-2021EN
  • ISO 27001 AENOR
  • ENAC Accreditation

Additionally, ITENE participates in international certification committees such as the European Bioplastics Advisory Committee, BPI – S&P Committee, and Din Certco ACS Committee.

  • How can I help you?

    Jordi Palau
    Jordi Palau

    Head of the Compostability Laboratory

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