More than 300 packaging researchers, experts and professionals meet in Valencia at the 24th IAPRI World Packaging Conference


The inauguration, which took place on 18th June at the Oceanográfico, was attended by representatives of the European Commission’s “From Waste to Resources” Unit and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

At the conference, which took place between 18th and 20th June, experts from 32 countries presented the latest trends and innovations in different areas ranging from the development of packaging materials to packaging technologies and machinery.

IAPRI World Packaging Conference in Valencia

More than 300 packaging researchers, experts and  professionals will meet in Valencia at the 24th IAPRI World Packaging Conference, which took place from 18 to 20 June in the city and will include the participation of more than 150 speakers from universities, research centres and companies from 32 countries in America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. It will also include presentations by representatives of the European Commission’s “From Waste to Resources” Unit and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

The conference began on 18th June at 9.00 a.m. in the Oceanográfico of Valencia with a welcome address by the Managing Director of ITENE, Javier Zabaleta, on behalf of the research centre, which organised this edition in Valencia. He was followed by Roland ten Klooster, President of IAPRI (International Association of Packaging Research Institutes) and Paula Llobet, Councillor for Tourism, Innovation and Investment Attraction at Valencia City Council, also took part.

The opening session of the conference concluded with presentations by Mattia Pellegrini, Head of the European Commission’s “From Waste to Resources” Unit, who discussed the future European Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, and Remigio Marano, Official Food Contact Materials Scientist at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The latter focused on the assessment of food contact materials and recycled plastics and the role of EFSA in this respect.

After the opening, the presentations started at 12.00h at the Hotel SH Valencia Palace, which hosted the other activities planned within the framework of the conference and the scientific poster exhibition between 18 and 20 June.

Specifically, the papers and posters presented technological trends and innovations in six thematic areas: packaging materials, sustainable packaging in the supply chain, packaging design and development, improvements in the safety and efficiency of packaging systems, packaging machinery and technologies, and product conditioning and packaging technologies.

Finally, the conference concluded on 20 June, when awards were presented to the winners for their presentations and the closing session took place.

Advanced materials, sustainable packaging and solutions for the safety of packaging systems, among the themes of the conference.

Specifically, with regard to new materials, attendees learned about research, success stories, new developments and innovations in paper and board, cellulose, biopolymers, bioplastics and other sustainable materials. Meanwhile, with regard to sustainable packaging in the supply chain, sustainable packaging solutions for waste reduction, life cycle analysis, eco-design, consumer perception and adaptation to regulations and legislation, among others, were presented.

Presentations also included packaging design and development, with talks on sustainable materials, consumer preferences, performance, recyclability and design innovations. The conference also focused on improvements in the safety and efficiency of packaging systems. In this area, the focus was on packaging design based on optimisation and simulations of transport conditions to determine the impact on the packaging and the value chain.

Valencia was also be the place where top-level speakers presented packaging machinery and technologies, a topic under which novel methods for controlling packaging technologies as well as new control methods were discussed.

Finally, the last of the six conference themes focused on product conditioning and packaging technologies. These included packaging technologies, active or smart packaging systems, sustainable packaging alternatives, improved closure systems and methods for detecting contamination by microplastics or specific bacteria, such as E.coli.

30th anniversary of the ITENE research center

In parallel to the conference, a commemorative event of the organiser, the ITENE research center, was held. This event, which took place on 19 June in El Puig (Valencia), will be attended by the Director of External Relations of the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE+i), participants in the IAPRI World Packaging Conference and partners of the centre itself.

The event seeked to pay tribute to the professionals who have contributed to the launch of the technology centre and its development in a significant way through the presentation of awards.