

Packaging systems need to be adapted to the requirements of online sales, which have grown significantly in the last few years.

Packaging multifunctionality is a challenge in this type of distribution, as it is a key element in logistics efficiency and handling, product conservation, protection, presentation and communication, and customer loyalty.

paquete de comercio electrónico
embalaje amazon

Sustainable e-commerce packaging

At ITENE we analyse e-commerce packaging to assess its technical, economic and environmental sustainability, in order to:

  • Risk monitoring during transport: Introduce optimised packaging innovations as a result of analysing and quantifying the risks inherent to e-commerce distribution.
  • We also reproduce the risks that occur during distribution in our transport simulation centre for Amazon vendors, based on ISTA (International Safe Transit Association of America) guidelines which, together with Amazon, has developed two test protocols in the ISTA 6 series called “Overboxing” and “SIOC” (Shipments in own container).

Optimised urban goods transport

Sustainable mobility: We work on the optimisation of urban goods distribution, promoting efficient and sustainable deliveries, analysing the different delivery methods and implementing the best one in each case to reduce costs, pollution and congestion in cities.

Connected and automated mobility: We also analyse the shift towards sustainable and smart transport models by incorporating low-emission and even autonomous vehicles in urban deliveries.

Services for e-commerce

  • R&D and innovation services: We are your technology partner for all of your innovation projects.
  • Testing and certification services in our own laboratories:
    • Packaging testing.
    • Certifying packaging for the carriage of dangerous goods.
    • Transport simulations. Testing services with complete, filled transport packages and palletised unit loads to measure accelerations, vibrations, impacts, shocks, and environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.) that affect the goods during transport to ensure no product losses.
    • Specific testing services for Amazon vendors (Frustration Free Packaging Program).
  • Technological consultancy service in sustainability, material property improvements, food safety, packaging optimisation, monitoring of routes, fleets and the risks associated with goods transport.
  • In-company training services and our own courses and master’s degree.
  • How can I help you?

    Adrià Soriano - ITENE
    Adrià Soriano

    Mobility, Logistics and Digital Transformation Manager

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